Namespace Alpha\Model
Namespaces summary
Alpha\Model\Type |
Classes summary
ActionLog | An action carried out be a person using the system can be logged using this class. Best to call via Logger::action() method rather than directly here. |
ActiveRecord | Base active record class definition providing database storage via the configured provider. |
ActiveRecordProviderMySQL | MySQL active record provider (uses the MySQLi native API in PHP). |
ActiveRecordProviderSQLite | SQLite active record provider (uses the SQLite3 native API in PHP). |
Article | An article class for the CMS. |
ArticleComment | An article comment class for user comments. |
ArticleVote | An article vote class for user ratings. |
BadRequest | A HTTP request that resulted in a 400 response. The class is only used when the security.client.temp.blacklist.filter.enabled setting is set to true to enable the filter. |
BlacklistedClient | A HTTP client that is blacklisted from accessing this application. |
BlacklistedIP | An IP address that is blacklisted from accessing this application. |
Person | The main person/user class for the framework. |
Rights | The group level rights object for the application permissions. |
Tag | The tag class used in tag clouds and search. |
Interfaces summary
ActiveRecordProviderInterface | An interface that defines all of the active record methods that should be included in a provider that implements this interface. |