ActiveRecordController |
The main active record CRUD controller for the framework. |
ArticleController |
Controller used handle Article objects. |
AttachmentController |
Controller used to view (download) an attachment file on an Article. |
CacheController |
Controller used to clear out the CMS cache when required. |
Controller |
The master controller class for the Alpha Framework. |
DEnumController |
Controller used to edit DEnums and associated DEnumItems. |
ExcelController |
Controller for viewing an active record as Excel spreadsheets. |
FeedController |
Controller for viewing news feeds. |
GenSecureQueryStringController |
Controller used to generate secure URLs from the query strings provided. |
ImageController |
Controller for viewing an image rendered with the Image widget. |
IndexController |
Standard index controller for the application. Override the index.phtml template to build your
own home page for your application. |
InstallController |
Controller used install the database. |
ListActiveRecordsController |
Controller used to list all of the active record types in the system. |
LogController |
Controller used to display a log file, the path for which must be supplied in GET vars. |
LoginController |
Login controller that adds the current user object to the session. |
LogoutController |
Logout controller that removes the current user object from the session. |
MetricController |
Controller used to display the software metrics for the application. |
PhpinfoController |
Login controller that adds the current user object to the session. |
RecordSelectorController |
Controller for viewing a RecordSelector widget. |
SearchController |
Search engine controller. |
SequenceController |
Controller used to list all Sequences. |
TagController |
Controller used to edit Tags related to the ActiveRecord indicated in the supplied
GET vars (ActiveRecordType and ActiveRecordID). If no ActiveRecord Type or ID are
indicated, then a screen to manage all tags at a summary level is presented. |