Namespace Alpha\Exception
Exceptions summary
AlphaException | The parent exception class for Alpha. |
BadTableNameException | The exception class for invalid active record table name exceptions. |
CustomQueryException | The exception class for when a custom SQL query failed to run. |
FailedDeleteException | The exception class for record failed delete errors. |
FailedIndexCreateException | The exception class for a failed attempt to create a database index or foreign key constraint. |
FailedLookupCreateException | The exception class for a failed attempt to create a database lookup table for MANY-TO-MANY relationships. |
FailedSaveException | The exception class for record failed save errors. |
FailedUnitCommitException | The exception class for a Controller unit of work failing to save exceptions. |
FileNotFoundException | The exception class for a file/directory not being found. |
IllegalArguementException | The exception class for an illegal arguement (parameter) being passed to a method. |
LockingException | The exception class for record locking (versioning) errors. |
MailNotSentException | The exception class for errors sending email. |
NotImplementedException | The exception class for when an expected method of an interface has not been implemented by the provider throwing this exception. |
PHPException | The exception class for handling generic PHP errors. |
RecordNotFoundException | The exception class for record not found in the database errors. |
ResourceNotAllowedException | The exception class for 403 resource not allowed controller errors. |
ResourceNotFoundException | The exception class for 404 resource not found controller errors. |
SearchIndexWriteException | The exception class for issues updating a search index. |
SecurityException | The exception class for security errors. |
ValidationException | The exception class for record validation errors. |